Different Ways of Choosing Body Armor


Even identical pieces of body armor can work differently depending on who is using it and where. A much better way of choosing body armor is trying to find something that will fit your needs and those of the mission, and not focus on the specs alone.

Generally, there are three aspects to look at when trying to find your ideal bulletproof vest or bulletproof armor plates:

  1. Risk from rifles
  2. Mission speed
  3. Length of wearing

And, these aspects are exactly in this order. If you are bound to be under fire from anti-personnel rifles there is no other choice but to go with hard armor plates. These might be heavy but are also the only thing that can stop a rifle round.

In all other cases, opting for mobility and endurance is preferable. If you work in law enforcement or similar industries, you will always want something that you can comfortably wear during the whole workday.

#1 Choosing Body Armor for Every Day

While gearing up to the max might sound interesting when you are just starting, it is not the smartest thing to do if security is your job. You are not looking for maximum protection, but rather aiming for optimal results.

In most cases, you will also want something that is covert and that can fit easily under the uniform or even plain clothes. Lightweight and good ventilation are key here, because sweating in your clothes for 8 hours is not comfortable, let alone the frequent overtime.

But, some jobs might require a bit of utility from your vest as well, especially when you need to use tools like scanners or radio often. In such a case, using something like the MV™ Metropolis Vest that can pull double duty is ideal.

This vest can also be concealed if necessary, but can work as an overt vest both if you need all of the attachments and if you want to appear more ‘’police-like’’.

#2 Focusing on Mobility

The best way to prevent injury from any type of bullet, explosive, or any other weapon is to not get hit in the first place. And, if the enemy really wants to create damage, you need to take them out before they have a lot of time to act.

This is where mobile vests come into action. They will usually be slim and not have a lot of attachments on them, because you plan to be in and out in a New York minute.

You don’t necessarily want light soft armor panels in this case, but you still need to limit your weight. Opting for UHMWPE Level III+ plates, in this case, is ideal.

#3 Focusing on Protection

Some missions are dangerous. If you don’t have enough info or are working in a small team against a dangerous enemy, there is no other choice to stay protected.

In these cases, you will not only need a plate carrier for your vitals, but also something that can accept modules for auxiliary armor that protects from explosives and shotguns. Traps are a much bigger danger in such situations than people, and you need to be ready.

Selecting something like the FPRC™ Fast Response Plate Carrier, and attaching all the gear and additional armor that will help you is usually the best way to go. It is heavy but is also necessary.

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