Clean Master Apk


Clean Master Apk can be recognized as the best cleaning tool that suits well for the Android. It’s not only a cleaning app, but also acts as an android optimizer, antivirus tool and a privacy securing app.

Developed by Cheetah Mobile
Category Security and Performance
Latest version 7.4.6
Works On Android
Where to get Google App Store
Program License Free

Here I am going to summarize some important features of the app Clean Master

Junk file removing: the app will scan the android for the junk files from various sources and ask the users opinion about the deletion of these files. The user can select the apps which they want to delete the junk files and give the command to clean junk. Then the app will does the rest. Once your android gets filled with the junk files the app notifies you about that and recommend to delete those.

Boosting the phone: the app will find the RAM used percentage and by freeing the RAM leads to speed up the phone

Antivirus: the Clean Master will scan the all the apps in the android store and also the newly installing apps are also scanning to keep harmful files away from your android system

Battery Saver: the app will help to save the battery by sleeping the unwanted apps that are running on the background. This feature will help you in a long journey of course.

AppLock: this feature will help you to protect your privacy by locking some apps that you need to keep protect from the others.

Whatsapp scrubber: this will allow you to delete the call and the chat history of the whatsapp messenger that you are using.

Notification Cleaner: This will help to block annoying notifications from some apps and also similar to junk files the app will delete the notifications that used temporary.

CPU Cooler: when the temperature of the CPU increase the app will detect it and inform you to cool down the CPU for a better maintenance of the device. Just one click the CPU will be cooled down.

Recently Clean Master Apk was removed from Google Play Store. You can find more details about this app for here:

Hey guys don’t think twice. As this is a free app you don’t have to think actually. Download the app and relish the benefits of the app. But one warning for you. When you are selecting some files to delete please be sure that whether, you really want to delete the file or not. Because the app is user-friendly and ask everything from you before performing the task and you have to be very vigilant. Otherwise you will lose some important files forever as the deleted files cannot be recovered. So be in alert!

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